Detective Danielle Trixie has just received an anonymous tip regrading the whereabouts of her nemesis the Masked Intruder...the hot blonde, dressed in her signature string bikini, grabs her side_arm and goes to the location. The curvy detective steps into another vacant warehouse, but around the darken corner, the masked man strikes...he walks the handgagged detective into the next room and ties her standing up with rope attached to the overhead plumbing pipes!! Danielle was wise enough to wear a bikini so she can not get panty gagged, but the Masked Intruder is always prepared to capture his ...
Detective Danielle Trixie has just received an anonymous tip regrading the whereabouts of her nemesis the Masked Intruder...the hot blonde, dressed in her signature string bikini, grabs her side_arm and goes to the location. The curvy detective steps into another vacant warehouse, but around the darken corner, the masked man strikes...he walks the handgagged detective into the next room and ties her standing up with rope attached to the overhead plumbing pipes!! Danielle was wise enough to wear a bikini so she can not get panty gagged, but the Masked Intruder is always prepared to capture his ...