Detective Emily is naked, bound and panty gagged, unable to stop the Masked Intruder from setting a trap for Detective Danielle Trixie...Danielle enters the abandonned warehouse and strips totally nude before searching for Emily and her masked opponent. With Emily nowhere in sight, the blonde hottie knows she must be careful, but from the shadows the Masked Intruder appears, and subues the naked detective!! Throwing Danielle on to a mattress in the upper floor of the warehouse, the Masked Intruder makes her pay by roughly squeezing and feeling up her all natural naked body...he tells Danielle ...
Detective Emily is naked, bound and panty gagged, unable to stop the Masked Intruder from setting a trap for Detective Danielle Trixie...Danielle enters the abandonned warehouse and strips totally nude before searching for Emily and her masked opponent. With Emily nowhere in sight, the blonde hottie knows she must be careful, but from the shadows the Masked Intruder appears, and subues the naked detective!! Throwing Danielle on to a mattress in the upper floor of the warehouse, the Masked Intruder makes her pay by roughly squeezing and feeling up her all natural naked body...he tells Danielle ...