Detective Danielle Trixie's last encounter with her nemesis, the Masked Intruder, left her bound and panty gagged in a strict position all night long and now is in need of a deep tissue massage...Spa owner, Stormy Evans leads the sexy blonde detective to her room, tells her to undress and she'll return shortly. What Stormy doesn't know is she about to become the next victim of the Masked Intruder!! He ties up the tall leggy blonde, panty gags her and feels up her perky breast, but he has his eyes on Danielle!! Unaware of the bondage danger, the sexy detective waits, totally nude, for her massa...
Detective Danielle Trixie's last encounter with her nemesis, the Masked Intruder, left her bound and panty gagged in a strict position all night long and now is in need of a deep tissue massage...Spa owner, Stormy Evans leads the sexy blonde detective to her room, tells her to undress and she'll return shortly. What Stormy doesn't know is she about to become the next victim of the Masked Intruder!! He ties up the tall leggy blonde, panty gags her and feels up her perky breast, but he has his eyes on Danielle!! Unaware of the bondage danger, the sexy detective waits, totally nude, for her massa...