Detective Danielle Trixie receives a video email...when she opens it, she discovers her friend Detective Taylor Thomas being held hostage and rushes to save her...little does the sexy blonde know that she's being lead into a trap!!! The busty detective searches the locations but is quickly subdued by the Masked Intruder...he Danielle to strip to her thong before tying and ball gagging her. Danielle struggles and moans but her captor adds more rope and pulls down her thong to humiliate the sexy blonde detective. Naked, hogtied and left to be rescued, Detective Danielle has been defeated once ag...
Detective Danielle Trixie receives a video email...when she opens it, she discovers her friend Detective Taylor Thomas being held hostage and rushes to save her...little does the sexy blonde know that she's being lead into a trap!!! The busty detective searches the locations but is quickly subdued by the Masked Intruder...he Danielle to strip to her thong before tying and ball gagging her. Danielle struggles and moans but her captor adds more rope and pulls down her thong to humiliate the sexy blonde detective. Naked, hogtied and left to be rescued, Detective Danielle has been defeated once ag...