Detective Danielle Trixie is determined to bring the Masked Intruder to justice at any cost...when she receives a tip on his whereabouts, the blonde hottie decides to try a new approach. After having her clothes ripped off, and being panty gagged, Danielle strips totally nude, and goes after the Masked Intruder!! She searched the empty warehouse only wearing her high heels, but once again she is captured by her masked tormentor...already naked, Danielle's all natural body gets roughtly squeezed and felt up, as she trys to fight off his aggressive advances. The Masked Intruder's roaming hands m...
Detective Danielle Trixie is determined to bring the Masked Intruder to justice at any cost...when she receives a tip on his whereabouts, the blonde hottie decides to try a new approach. After having her clothes ripped off, and being panty gagged, Danielle strips totally nude, and goes after the Masked Intruder!! She searched the empty warehouse only wearing her high heels, but once again she is captured by her masked tormentor...already naked, Danielle's all natural body gets roughtly squeezed and felt up, as she trys to fight off his aggressive advances. The Masked Intruder's roaming hands m...