Discovering detective Danielle Trixie plan to capture him at a modeling convention, the Masked Intruder quickly subdued the blonde hottie and captures her assistant, bounty hunter Hollywood...he knocked her out and waited for Ashley to their hotel room. Once Ashley sees her sexy partner laid out, the masked man springs into action...the feisty detective is taken down, tied up and ball gagged as the Masked Intruder begins his on her flawless body and breasts!! Ashley does her best to fend off his roaming hands but soon she's stripped completely nude and her all natural perky breasts get squeeze...
Discovering detective Danielle Trixie plan to capture him at a modeling convention, the Masked Intruder quickly subdued the blonde hottie and captures her assistant, bounty hunter Hollywood...he knocked her out and waited for Ashley to their hotel room. Once Ashley sees her sexy partner laid out, the masked man springs into action...the feisty detective is taken down, tied up and ball gagged as the Masked Intruder begins his on her flawless body and breasts!! Ashley does her best to fend off his roaming hands but soon she's stripped completely nude and her all natural perky breasts get squeeze...