Detective Danielle Trixie is once again in the clutches of the Masked Intruder...after spending the night in bondage, Danielle finds her self in a new position!! Tightly taped and secured to a chair the panty clad blonde hottie is once again struggling to free herself and warn the other detectives...if she can not escape, Danielle knows she'll be once again found half naked and humiliated at the hands of the Masked Intruder!!
Detective Danielle Trixie is once again in the clutches of the Masked Intruder...after spending the night in bondage, Danielle finds her self in a new position!! Tightly taped and secured to a chair the panty clad blonde hottie is once again struggling to free herself and warn the other detectives...if she can not escape, Danielle knows she'll be once again found half naked and humiliated at the hands of the Masked Intruder!!