Do not have any pubic hair. The plot is that you have given each other 100% carte blanche, 24/7 consent and permission to do whatever you want to each other whenever, and where ever, no matter what, as a free use sex household. You each gave the other permission to use each other as each other as sexual toys at any point. Make a montage of multiple different scenes where you come and do sexual things to each other, including, but not limited to, kissing, making out, fingering, groping, spanking, slapping, pantsing / undressing, going down on each other / oral, ...
The Story - Free Use
Do not have any pubic hair. The plot is that you have given each other 100% carte blanche, 24/7 consent and permission to do whatever you want to each other whenever, and where ever, no matter what, as a free use sex household. You each gave the other permission to use each other as each other as sexual toys at any point. Make a montage of multiple different scenes where you come and do sexual things to each other, including, but not limited to, kissing, making out, fingering, groping, spanking, slapping, pantsing / undressing, going down on each other / oral, and obviously fucking each other. Anything and everything sexual you could think of to do, in the most exposing and graphic ways for the camera to see that you can think of. You will be doing things such as chores and activities you might normally be doing, such as cleaning, cooking, mopping, vacuuming, doing laundry (in the machine and folding it), brushing your teeth, doing your makeup, taking a shower / bath, reading, using your phone, using a computer, watching a movie or TV, and masturbating / watching porn. There are more activities you could be doing too. Do a scene where you are in the bathroom peeing, showing yourself pee, while your man comes in and starts to make you suck his dick or something sexual to you, while making sure I can see your pee come out of you and your face at the same time. Also, please do a scene where you are on the phone talking with someone, either regular or video call (video call would be best) while your man comes into the scene and starts sexually using and fucking you. You will need to try to maintain your composure so the person you are talking with does not know what's going on, as he will have fun trying to get you to make noises and break your composure to do things to give away that you're being fucked. Have a scene where you get interrupted while you're watching your legitimate favorite kind of porn. Have the camera be able to see you masturbating, how you normally like to masturbate on your own, and see the screen to view the porn too, before he does his thing with you and joins in. I want to know your favorite kink / kind of porn and how you naturally masturbate. You can include scenes where you are both woken up while in bed, but keep those scenes brief after being woken up. Any scenes where one of you might be working out or stretching, keep short and brief as well to have more time for new ideas and scenes. Have yourself in a variety of "outfits" throughout the scenes, and for some just be naked to begin with. The more exposed you get, the better, but even scenes where he might put his hands down your pants to finger you, or under your shirt to grope your breasts, without actually removing your pants or shirt, would be hot too. Include multiple cum shots and cream pies inside of you, in various locations throughout all the scenes. If you are willing to do anal scenes, even an anal cream pie, that would be amazing, but if not, no worries.