Stacy Burke and Carolyn Monroe NonSmokers Revenge
My Rating:
Category: Smoking
Runtime: 21 minutes
Date Added: 5/7/2019


Stacy loves her roommate Carolyn, all except for one thing, her cigarette smoking! Stacy is NOT a smoker and hates the smell and everything about smoking. Carolyn flaunts it in her face, and after her complaints don't seem to do any good, Stacy decides to teach Carolyn a lesson. It's the 'old school remedy', if you like to smoke so much then smoke until you get sick! So Stacy ties up Carloyn and her to smoke and smoke and smoke some more. In fact the scene closes with Carolyn having about 5 cigarettes in her mouth at once! Extreme problems require extreme solutions!

Stacy Burke and Carolyn Monroe NonSmokers Revenge

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