The exotic and mouth watering, Raven Rockette agrees to my slut training program...Sluts, by their very nature are often masochists and a slut to endure and conquer masochistic tasks can help them attain new levels of sluttiness, and for this, the slut is always grateful...I begin slow by reinforcing the notion that Raven is nothing but a sexual object...I appreciate her massive beauty as I objectify her and claim ownership of it...Then I bind her and begin the physical portion of her training....tight bondage and suffering become outward expressions of her desire to sub...
The exotic and mouth watering, Raven Rockette agrees to my slut training program...Sluts, by their very nature are often masochists and a slut to endure and conquer masochistic tasks can help them attain new levels of sluttiness, and for this, the slut is always grateful...I begin slow by reinforcing the notion that Raven is nothing but a sexual object...I appreciate her massive beauty as I objectify her and claim ownership of it...Then I bind her and begin the physical portion of her training....tight bondage and suffering become outward expressions of her desire to sub...