Jack is a patient in a mental facility, locked up for being a pervert. Isis and Mayla are his nurses, ready to make whatever it takes to control this stupid pig.
The nurses came to the patient room because they know he has been misbehaving and they will apply the new protocols. First reduce him to the floor and Isis begins to put a white leather straitjacket while Mayla grabs his legs and holds it very tight with leather belts in futomomos. Jack is out of control and behaves like a complete asshole making the nurses slap him in anger. Finally when they have the straightjacket on ...
Jack is a patient in a mental facility, locked up for being a pervert. Isis and Mayla are his nurses, ready to make whatever it takes to control this stupid pig.
The nurses came to the patient room because they know he has been misbehaving and they will apply the new protocols. First reduce him to the floor and Isis begins to put a white leather straitjacket while Mayla grabs his legs and holds it very tight with leather belts in futomomos. Jack is out of control and behaves like a complete asshole making the nurses slap him in anger. Finally when they have the straightjacket on they put his chest down the floor and the “treatment” can begin. Mayla takes off her shoes and makes him lick her beautiful feet while Isis grabs a vibrator and teases him on his cock while slapping him. The new treatment seems to work. The disgusting pig seems to be more controlled but the nurses want to try everything they have and apply every single step of the protocol... so they make it last several minutes increasing the intensity.
In the second part of the treatment Isis and Mayla mummified the whole body of Jack with white tape, he needs to be restricted, unable to move, even his face. They place him in a stretcher and hold him very tight with leather belts to the stretcher grabbing his whole body. And then they tease him and put the vibrator on him, making him horny and with no chance no cum at will will teach him how to control himself for being a disgusting pig. The nurses place the vibrator on his cock and leave him to his own luck...
Jack es un paciente de un psiquiátrico, encerrado por pervertido. Isis y Mayla step-son sus enfermeras, dispuestas a hacer lo que haga falta para controlar a este estúpido cerdo.
Las enfermeras acuden a la habitación del paciente porque saben que se ha estado portando mal y van a aplicar los nuevos protocolos. Primero lo reducen al suelo e Isis empieza a ponerle una camisa de fuerza de cuero blanco mientras Mayla le agarra las piernas y lo sujeta muy fuerte con cinturones de cuero en futomomos. Jack esta fuera de control y se comporta como un completo gilipollas haciendo que las enfermeras le abofeteen enfadadas. Finalmente cuando tienen la camisa de fuerza puesta le ponen el pecho en el suelo y el "tratamiento" puede empezar. Mayla se quita los zapatos y le hace lamer sus bonitos pies mientras Isis coge un vibrador y le da cachetes en la polla mientras le abofetea. El nuevo tratamiento parece funcionar. El cerdo asqueroso parece estar más controlado pero las enfermeras quieren probar todo lo que tienen y aplicar cada paso del protocolo... así que lo hacen durar varios minutos aumentando la intensidad.
En la segunda parte del tratamiento Isis y Mayla momifican todo el cuerpo de Jack con esparadrapo blanco, tiene que estar restringido, sin poderr moverse, ni siquiera la cara. Lo colocan en una camilla y lo sujetan muy fuerte con correas de cuero a la camilla agarrando todo su cuerpo. Y entonces se burlan de él y le ponen el vibrador, poniéndole cachondo y sin posibilidad de correrse a voluntad le enseñan a controlarse por ser un cerdo asqueroso. Las enfermeras le colocan el vibrador en la polla y lo abandonan a su suerte.