The video begins as it ended the first part, Lala tied hands and feet with a lot of tape and gagged, she struggles on the floor while Tenjou is stealing her things, Lala after a few minutes writhing, manages to free herself from her bonds and hides.
Tenjou appears on the scene, she was going to say goodbye to her victim after achieving her goal, but she only finds herself with tape on the ground without Lala, who attacks her from behind, puts her hands behind her, pulls her to the ground and quickly ties her hands behind her back with tape, -you are already mine, you thieving who...
The video begins as it ended the first part, Lala tied hands and feet with a lot of tape and gagged, she struggles on the floor while Tenjou is stealing her things, Lala after a few minutes writhing, manages to free herself from her bonds and hides.
Tenjou appears on the scene, she was going to say goodbye to her victim after achieving her goal, but she only finds herself with tape on the ground without Lala, who attacks her from behind, puts her hands behind her, pulls her to the ground and quickly ties her hands behind her back with tape, -you are already mine, you thieving whore. Lala manages to tie Tenjou, then with a handkerchief she gags her with a cleave gag and with tape she covers her mouth with several tight turns, making a wrap gag. Lala starts to mummify Tenjou's body, who tries to escape, but it's too late, she is being victimized by her victim. Lala ties Tenjou's whole body with tape, without leaving a single part uncovered, before finishing with the legs, she takes a chair and sits her there, with tape she ties Tenjou's mummified body to the chair, with a lot of tape, so that it is tight to the chair and she can't move a muscle of that chair. Finally he removes her shoes and socks, leaves her barefoot and finishes tying her legs all the way down to her ankles.
She already has her burglar tied up in that chair, Lala laughs at her and calls the Police to come and arrest Tenjou, who tries to beg for mercy but can only say mmmmphh, she is too gagged and Lala doesn't understand her. While waiting for the police, Lala wants to take a little revenge with the burglar, she starts an interrogation to get information and what was the reason why she broke into her house, Lala plays with Tenjou's breathing, squeezing her neck, or plugging her nose so she can't breathe, she plays with her while interrogating her and waiting for the police. It seems that the nights of crime are over for Tenjou.
El video empieza como terminó la primera parte, Lala atada de manos y pies con mucha cinta y amordazada, ella lucha en el suelo mientras Tenjou le va robando sus cosas, Lala después de unos minutos retorciéndose, consigue liberarse de sus ataduras y se esconde.
Tenjou aparece en la escena, ella iba a despedirse de su víctima después de lograr su objetivo, pero solo se encuentra con cinta en el suelo sin Lala, quien por detrás le ataca, le pone las manos detrás, la tira al suelo y rapido le ata las manos detrás de espalda con cinta, -ya eres mia, puta ladrona. Lala consigue atar a Tenjou, luego con un pañuelo la amordaza haciendo un cleave gag y con cinta le tapa la boca con varias vueltas apretadas, haciendo un wrap gag. Lala empieza a momificar el cuerpo de Tenjou, quien intenta escapar, pero ya es demasiado tarde, está siendo víctima de su víctima. Lala ata todo el cuerpo de Tenjou con cinta, sin dejarse ni una parte sin cubrir, antes de terminar con las piernas, coge una silla y la sienta allí, con cinta ata el cuerpo momificado de Tenjou a la silla, con mucha cinta, que quede bien apretada a la silla y no pueda mover ni un musculo de esa silla. Finalmente le quita las bambas y calcetines, la deja con los pies descalzos y termina de atarle las piernas enteras hasta los tobillos.
Ya tiene a su ladrona atada en esa silla, Lala se ríe de ella y llama a la Policía para que vengan a detener a Tenjou, quien intenta pedirle clemencia pero solo puede decir mmmmphh, está muy amordazada y Lala no la entiende. Mientras esperan a la policía, Lala quiere vengarse un poco con la ladrona, empieza un interrogatorio para sacar informacion y cuál fue el motivo por el que entró a robar a su casa, Lala juega con la respiración de Tenjou, apretando el cuello, o tapando la nariz para que no pueda respirar, juega con ella mientras la interroga y esperan a la policía. Parece que las noches de crimen para Tenjou, han terminado.