In this custom video...
In the not too distant future, women have taken total control, the Gynarchy has been imposed, there are hardly any men left. Lex, the leader, is gathered in her lair with her two bodyguards, Shey and Tenjou, she informs them of rumors about the last rebel base of men, they must go to investigate it.
Jack is one of the few rebel men left without being enslaved, he is sent to put an end to Lex and his dictatorship. He interrupts in Lex's lair, he is going to attack it and almost succeeds, but his two bodyguards manage to prevent it, they fight with hi...
In this custom video...
In the not too distant future, women have taken total control, the Gynarchy has been imposed, there are hardly any men left. Lex, the leader, is gathered in her lair with her two bodyguards, Shey and Tenjou, she informs them of rumors about the last rebel base of men, they must go to investigate it.
Jack is one of the few rebel men left without being enslaved, he is sent to put an end to Lex and his dictatorship. He interrupts in Lex's lair, he is going to attack it and almost succeeds, but his two bodyguards manage to prevent it, they fight with him making him fight keys, scissors around his neck so that he cannot move. They tie his hands with handcuffs, Lex orders them to prepare him for interrogation. Shey and Tenjou tie Jack by his ankles to the hoist, and hang him upside down while he is handcuffed with his hands behind his back, he is now like a punching bag. The girls start hitting Jack hard, punches all over his body. They want him to inform them where the last secret base of rebel men is, Jack resists, the girls continue beating, spitting and humiliating Jack. Lex with a cane whips him, twists his nipples and they try different methods of pain until Jack finally confesses all the information the women want.
In the next scene Jack has already become an enslaved man, he is still in the testing phase, they put a collar on him and make him carry Tenjou on all fours, riding him as if he were a Then Lex starts to rope him while Shey and Tenjou make him kiss and lick his military boots, adoring them. Lex suspends Jack with the ropes, like an ancient Shibari punishment, they put a huge ballgag on him and leave him tied up and hanging helplessly. Lex while he changes his clothes and gets comfortable to go to the base of the last rebels with his two bodyguards and his army of women.
Jack is left alone tied up and suspended helplessly. Another vicim of the Gynarchy...
En un futuro no muy lejano, las mujeres han tomado el control total, se ha impuesto la Ginarquia, apenas quedan hombres. Lex la líder, esta reunida en su guarida junto con sus dos guardaespaldas, Shey y Tenjou, les informa de rumores sobre la ultima base rebelde de hombres, hay que ir a investigarla.
Jack es uno de los pocos hombres rebeldes que quedan sin ser esclavizados, es enviado para acabar con Lex y su dictadura. Interrumpe en la guarida de Lex, va a atacarla y casi lo consigue, pero sus dos guardaespaldas consiguen impedirlo, se pelean con el haciendole llaves de lucha, scissors alrededor del cuello para que no pueda moverse. Le atan las manos con unas esposas, Lex les ordena que lo preparan para su interrogatorio. Shey y Tenjou atan a Jack de los tobillos al polipasto, y lo cuelgan boca abajo mientras esta esposado con las manos atras de la espalda, el ahora es como un saco de boxeo. Las chicas empiezan a golpear duramente a Jack, puñetazos por todo el cuerpo. Quieren que les informe donde esta la última base secreta de hombres rebeldes, Jack resiste, las chicas siguen golpeando, escupiendo y humillando a Jack. Lex con una vara le azota, retuerce los pezones y van probando difernetes metodos de dolor hasta que Jack finalmente confiesa toda la info que las mujeres desean.
En la siguiente escena Jack ya se ha convertido en un hombre esclavizado, aun esta en fase de pruebas, le ponen un collar y le hacen llevar a Tenjou a cuatro patas, cabalgando en el como si fuese un caballo. Luego Lex empieza a tarle con cuerdas mientras Shey y Tenjou le hacen besar y lamer sus botas militares, adorandolas. Lex suspende a Jack con las cuerdas, como un castigo antiguo de Shibari, le ponen una enorme ballgag y lo dejan atado y colgado sin poder hacer nada. Lex mientras se cambia de ropa y se pone comoda para ir a la base de los ultimos hombres rebeldes junto a sus dos guardaespaldas y su ejercito de mujeres.
Jack se queda solo atado y suspendido sin poder hacer nada. Otra vicima más de la Ginarquia...