In this custom video:
Tenjou wants to be a superheroine of the city of Barcelona, fight against criminals, she has tracked down a suspicious substance organization and thinks she has found the gang leader, Jack. She attacks him in his house when he is unsuspecting, throws him to the ground fighting him and ties his hands behind his back with tape, she wants to punish and humiliate the criminal, she takes off her socks and puts them in Jack's mouth, gagging him with transparent tape then ties Jack's chest and arms while she rejoices in her victory, he ties jack's legs by joining h...
In this custom video:
Tenjou wants to be a superheroine of the city of Barcelona, fight against criminals, she has tracked down a suspicious substance organization and thinks she has found the gang leader, Jack. She attacks him in his house when he is unsuspecting, throws him to the ground fighting him and ties his hands behind his back with tape, she wants to punish and humiliate the criminal, she takes off her socks and puts them in Jack's mouth, gagging him with transparent tape then ties Jack's chest and arms while she rejoices in her victory, he ties jack's legs by joining his ankles with his thighs, making a hogtied, finally for fun, he puts his sweaty bamba on his face and nose and ties it to his head with tape, Jack will have to smell all the time the smell of his stinky sneakers. . She sits on the couch and uses Jack as a footrest while she waits to call the police, she plays with her first victim, Jack is tied up without being able to move.
When everything seems to be over and Tenjou will have her first victory as a heroine, Isis appears, the head of the organization, Tenjou does not know her, he did not know who she was and that she was in control of everything, Isis ties Tenjou in the same way she has tied Jack, but she does not untie her partner, she punishes him for failing with his surveillance, she whips the sole of Tenjou's bare feet with the belt as punishment for trying to fuck up her organization and then a little to Jack for uselessness.
Finally Isis leaves, escapes to another place where nobody can find her and leaves Tenjou and Jack tied up... Tenjou after wriggling a little, manages to untie himself, looks at the camera... next time it will go better...
En este video custom:
Tenjou quiere ser una superheroína de la ciudad de Barcelona, luchar contra los criminales, ha seguido la pista de una organización de sustancias sospechosas y cree que ha encontrado al jefe de la banda, Jack. Lo ataca en su casa cuando está desprevenido, lo tira al suelo luchando contra él y le ata las manos atrás en la espalda con cinta, quiere castigar y humillar al criminal, se quita sus calcetines y se los pone en la boca de Jack, amordazando con cinta transparente luego ata el pecho y brazos de Jack mientras se alegra de su victoria, ata las piernas de jack juntando los tobillos con los muslos, haciendo un hogtied, finalmente para divertirse, le pone su bamba sudorosa en la cara y nariz y la ata a su cabeza con cinta, Jack tendrá que oler todo el tiempo el olor de sus apestosas zapatillas deportivas.. Ella se sienta en el sofá y usa a Jack de reposapiés mientras espera llamar a la policía, juega con su primera víctima, Jack está atado sin poder moverse.
Cuando todo parece terminar y que Tenjou tendrá su primera victoria como heroína, aparece Isis, la jefa de la organización, Tenjou la desconoce, no sabia quien era ella y que tenia el control de todo, Isis ata a Tenjou de la misma manera que ha atado a Jack, pero no desata a su socio, lo castiga por fallar con su vigilancia, ella con el cinturon azota la suela de los pies descalzos de Tenjou como castigo por intentar joder su organización y luego un poco a Jack por inutil.
Finalmente Isis se va, escapa a otro lugar donde nadie pueda encontrarla y deja Tenjou y Jack atados... Tenjou después de retorcerse un poco, consigue desatarse, mira a la cámara... la próxima vez irá mejor...