*All productions (video & images) & associated bondage scenarios depicted are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants and established safe signals (clearly defined within each fantasy scene) between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production.
1 920 x 1080 Pilu, Dyanne and Tenjou are roommates. But Pilu is the one who works and the other are two lazy brats who never clean or do anything at home. The girls were supposed to clean today, but when Pilu arrives, Tenjou is just reading the newspaper. Pilu ...
*All productions (video & images) & associated bondage scenarios depicted are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants and established safe signals (clearly defined within each fantasy scene) between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production.
1 920 x 1080 Pilu, Dyanne and Tenjou are roommates. But Pilu is the one who works and the other are two lazy brats who never clean or do anything at home. The girls were supposed to clean today, but when Pilu arrives, Tenjou is just reading the newspaper. Pilu gets mad, and grabs Tenjou’s arms and ties her hands with tape. She decides that since she likes the newspaper so much, she’s gonna eat it. So she gags Tenjou with the newspaper and a big transparent tapegag. But Tenjou and Pilu are both perverts, and when Pilu starts tying Tenjou up, they start to get excited and enjoy it. When Dyanne arrives, Pilu also grabs her and ties her up too. She’s also gagged with the newspaper and the transparent tapegag and tied up with lots of tape. While she’s being tied up, Dyanne gagkisses with Tenjou. When both are tied up, Pilu cuddles and kisses them both. She’s so excited that she gags herself same way as the girls. Then she continues giving love to her roommates. She gagkiss, cuddles and spanks them. Seems that the girls are gonna have a lot of fun today!
Pily, Dyanne y Tenjou viven juntas. Pero Pilu es la única que trabaja y las otras dos step-son unas vagas que nunca hacen nada. Se supone que les tocaba limpiar, pero cuando llega Pilu a casa, se encuentra a Tenjou tan tranquila leyendo el periódico. Pilu se enfada, así que coge a Tenjou y le ata las manos con cinta. Si tanto le gusta el periódico, que se lo coma. Así que le mete el periódico en la boca y la amordaza con cinta transparente. Pero Pilu y Tenjou step-son ambas unas pervertidas, así que mientras Pilu la va atando, ambas chicas se van excitando. Cuando Dyanne llega, Pilu también la agarra y la ata. La amordaza también con el periódico y cinta transparente y la ata bien fuerte con cinta. Mientras la están atando, Dyanne se va da dando besitos de mordaza con Tenjou. Cuando ambas están atadas, Pilu las abraza y besa a las dos. Se excita tanto que decide auto amordazarse ella igual que las chicas. Luego continua dándoles amor. Les da besitos de mordaza, las abraza y las azota. Parece ser que las chica se lo van a pasar en grande hoy!