The Perilous Adventures of Detective Emily Hayworth Sexy blonde detective Emily Hayworth (Liz Ashley) sneaks into a secluded warehouse that doubles as a stash-house for a local gang...unfortunately she's being watched by a masked thug who subdues the determined gum-shoe. Emily is marched into a room and to strip out of her clothes while her captor leers at her incredible body...he makes her panty gag herself and ties her up!! The masked thug has to hold her prisoner while his boss decides what to do with her...the naked damsel struggles a...
BondageSuite Video Room in High Definition
The Perilous Adventures of Detective Emily Hayworth Sexy blonde detective Emily Hayworth (Liz Ashley) sneaks into a secluded warehouse that doubles as a stash-house for a local gang...unfortunately she's being watched by a masked thug who subdues the determined gum-shoe. Emily is marched into a room and to strip out of her clothes while her captor leers at her incredible body...he makes her panty gag herself and ties her up!! The masked thug has to hold her prisoner while his boss decides what to do with her...the naked damsel struggles a...