Police Officer Kendra James responds to a warehouse alarm...as she enters the secluded dwelling she's cautious, but knows it could be a 'false" alarm. Unfortunately for the busty cop a masked burglar grabs her and her to submit...Kendra is humiliated to a strip search as the masked man leers at the sexy naked police babe - she tries to reason with him but he orders her to kneel on to a dirty mattress and shoves a red ball gag into her mouth!! After tying her up the burglar takes f...
** BondageSuite Video Room in High Definition **
Police Officer Kendra James responds to a warehouse alarm...as she enters the secluded dwelling she's cautious, but knows it could be a 'false" alarm. Unfortunately for the busty cop a masked burglar grabs her and her to submit...Kendra is humiliated to a strip search as the masked man leers at the sexy naked police babe - she tries to reason with him but he orders her to kneel on to a dirty mattress and shoves a red ball gag into her mouth!! After tying her up the burglar takes f...