Detective Danielle Trixie wakes up naked, bound and panty gagged in a familiar place...the Masked Intruder has taken the sexy blonde to the Magician's studio, but before Danielle can come to her senses he appears and beings to grope her full all natural breasts and tells the tired detective that she's been tied up and struggling in her latest "escape training' session!! Danielle knows he's lying because she remembers being held hostage at her office and now knows that the Masked Intruder and the Magician are the same person, but can she...
** BondageSuite Video Room in High Definition **
Detective Danielle Trixie wakes up naked, bound and panty gagged in a familiar place...the Masked Intruder has taken the sexy blonde to the Magician's studio, but before Danielle can come to her senses he appears and beings to grope her full all natural breasts and tells the tired detective that she's been tied up and struggling in her latest "escape training' session!! Danielle knows he's lying because she remembers being held hostage at her office and now knows that the Masked Intruder and the Magician are the same person, but can she...