Detective Liz Ashley has tracked down a new clue that leads her to an abandoned warehouse...she sneaks in, hoping to catch the gang by surprise but unknowingly trips a silent alarm and is quickly captured!! Liz is to strip off her clothes by her captor and ordered to pantygag herself...the masked man ties up the nude damsel and keeps her in the dirty warehouse and until he hears from his boss...Liz struggles and moans trying to loosen her bonds, but the masked captor adds more rope to the naked detective, but when she gets her chance, Liz ...
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Detective Liz Ashley has tracked down a new clue that leads her to an abandoned warehouse...she sneaks in, hoping to catch the gang by surprise but unknowingly trips a silent alarm and is quickly captured!! Liz is to strip off her clothes by her captor and ordered to pantygag herself...the masked man ties up the nude damsel and keeps her in the dirty warehouse and until he hears from his boss...Liz struggles and moans trying to loosen her bonds, but the masked captor adds more rope to the naked detective, but when she gets her chance, Liz ...