Busty crime fighter Kendra James is summoned to a darkened building in search of a masked villain who's been ransacking the city's jewelry district...the sexy redhead confidently strolls through the build knowing her skills and training will allow "justice to prevail"!! Unfortunately for her the masked criminal lured her into a trap and when she's in position he "springs" into action...caught be surprise, Kendra is easily subdued and finds herself a "superheroine hosage" at the me...
** BondageSuite Video Room in High Definition **
Busty crime fighter Kendra James is summoned to a darkened building in search of a masked villain who's been ransacking the city's jewelry district...the sexy redhead confidently strolls through the build knowing her skills and training will allow "justice to prevail"!! Unfortunately for her the masked criminal lured her into a trap and when she's in position he "springs" into action...caught be surprise, Kendra is easily subdued and finds herself a "superheroine hosage" at the me...