After newerous break-ins in his neighborhood, a home owner decides to set a trap to capture the thief in case they decide to visit his home...soon busty MILF cat-burglar Lola Lynn can not resist the house and is lured in...the home owner KNOCK_OUT the sexy burglar with a 2 by 4 to the head and quickly ties her up!! Lola slowly begins to wake up and the home owner is ready with a ball gag...he tells her that he's not planning to call the police and she'll have to suffer his form of "justice' by being his bondage slave!! Lola has her huge breasts roughly groped and her round ass spanked...when h...
After newerous break-ins in his neighborhood, a home owner decides to set a trap to capture the thief in case they decide to visit his home...soon busty MILF cat-burglar Lola Lynn can not resist the house and is lured in...the home owner KNOCK_OUT the sexy burglar with a 2 by 4 to the head and quickly ties her up!! Lola slowly begins to wake up and the home owner is ready with a ball gag...he tells her that he's not planning to call the police and she'll have to suffer his form of "justice' by being his bondage slave!! Lola has her huge breasts roughly groped and her round ass spanked...when h...