Detective Danielle Trixie is determined to live her life without worrying about the Masked Intruder as she spends most of her working life searching for ways to bring him to justice...on this day she, along with detective Adreena Lynn plan to wear their sexiest bikini's and head to the beach, but someone else has other plans for them!! The Masked Intruder grabs Danielle and holds a chemical soaked cloth over her nose, to breath in the fumes, the detective resists as long as she can, but soon drifts to rest...the masked man cops a quick feel of her sexy bikini-clad body before going after Adree...
Detective Danielle Trixie is determined to live her life without worrying about the Masked Intruder as she spends most of her working life searching for ways to bring him to justice...on this day she, along with detective Adreena Lynn plan to wear their sexiest bikini's and head to the beach, but someone else has other plans for them!! The Masked Intruder grabs Danielle and holds a chemical soaked cloth over her nose, to breath in the fumes, the detective resists as long as she can, but soon drifts to rest...the masked man cops a quick feel of her sexy bikini-clad body before going after Adree...