Detective Danielle Trixie struggles in her bed room naked, hogtied and panty gagged as the "Trap" she set to capture the Masked Intruder has gone awry...hours pass and the masked man returns with her partner, Detective Mallory Page, bound being carried over his should and he throws her onto the bed next to the feisty blonde!! He knew Mallory was staking out the magicians studio and was easily captured, now he strips her nude and panty gags her to match Danielle...the Masked Intruder takes his time as he roughly gropes both bound detective's all natural breast and feels up their sexy nude bodie...
Detective Danielle Trixie struggles in her bed room naked, hogtied and panty gagged as the "Trap" she set to capture the Masked Intruder has gone awry...hours pass and the masked man returns with her partner, Detective Mallory Page, bound being carried over his should and he throws her onto the bed next to the feisty blonde!! He knew Mallory was staking out the magicians studio and was easily captured, now he strips her nude and panty gags her to match Danielle...the Masked Intruder takes his time as he roughly gropes both bound detective's all natural breast and feels up their sexy nude bodie...