Detective Danielle Trixie arrives home to discover her front door has been unlocked...the sexy blonde knows she's a target of the Masked Intruder and slowly enters ... she searches each room, looking behind the doors, the closet and living room. Luckily there's no one there, Danielle proceeds to strip nude and readies herself for bed, but from the shadows the Masked Intruder appears and the nude detective into bondage!! After binding and panty gagged Danielle, the masked fiend roughly gropes her all natural breasts and feels up her curvy body...she rolls around her her bed, struggling to escap...
Detective Danielle Trixie arrives home to discover her front door has been unlocked...the sexy blonde knows she's a target of the Masked Intruder and slowly enters ... she searches each room, looking behind the doors, the closet and living room. Luckily there's no one there, Danielle proceeds to strip nude and readies herself for bed, but from the shadows the Masked Intruder appears and the nude detective into bondage!! After binding and panty gagged Danielle, the masked fiend roughly gropes her all natural breasts and feels up her curvy body...she rolls around her her bed, struggling to escap...