the nun and her naughty novices part 1
My Rating:
Category: Wax Play
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 1/11/2024


Novices Nova and sitting in their room, smoke and watch grubby magazines. During the night watch nun Alice caught the two naughty girls. Immediately, they must do penance for their sins but on the orders' way. They get to know Alice's hard hands and the leather slapper and we need a looot of holy water.

Di e Novizinnen Nova und sitzen in ihrem Zimmer, rauchen und blättern durch schmutzige Magazine. Während ihrer Nachtwache erwischt Nonne Alice di e be iden verdorbenen Mädchen. Sofort müssen sie für ihre Sünden Buße tun, aber nach den Vorstellungen der Oberin. Sie le...

the nun and her naughty novices part 1

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