After spending a couple hours inside the cage Lexi was bored out of her mind. Pleading to do anything if she could be let out her request was granted. As her wrists, neck, chest, and legs are secured to the cage her wishes were technically granted. Attempting to voice profanities while only drooling on her shirt Lexi was not impressed with her situation. The small freedom inside the cage was far more desirable as no position seemed comfortable under the ropes. There's no doubt she'll make a mental note to keep her complaints to herself next time!
After spending a couple hours inside the cage Lexi was bored out of her mind. Pleading to do anything if she could be let out her request was granted. As her wrists, neck, chest, and legs are secured to the cage her wishes were technically granted. Attempting to voice profanities while only drooling on her shirt Lexi was not impressed with her situation. The small freedom inside the cage was far more desirable as no position seemed comfortable under the ropes. There's no doubt she'll make a mental note to keep her complaints to herself next time!