Her eyes widen as the gag is strapped into her mouth and she mumbles incoherently, shaking her head. This is no real cop. What officer of the law would need to hog-cuff and gag up a compliant detainee?? Now, he is on her naked feet again, squeezing and fondling them. He seems to be enjoying this very much. She gurgles around her thick ballgag, fresh drool spattering her big tits. And then his hands are groping those same wet boobs, hard... groping them, groping HER! She should never have allowed this creep to ‘take her in’ but it’s too late now, pretty lady...
Recently dismissed (and disgraced) officer Reginald ‘WayToKeenToMakeAnArrest’ McSporran is building up quite the cauldron of mind-bile. Having to leave home for work he is forbidden now to attend, each morn - but actually hiding behind the garden shed for hours on end, fantasising about the bare feet of beautiful women and getting angry - is taking its toll. His wife, Gertrude, suspects nothing and by the time his ass arrives home of an evening (usually directly from McDonald’s or something) he has been carrying on the pretence of there being nothing at all wrong. But things are wrong, upstairs, in the brainpan department... Oh yes...
Enter, one fine day, the dazzling Brook, a serious beauty. Here she is presented for our pleasure in a luscious red evening dress and strappy, sequin heels. They’ll be coming off all too soon, but she doesn’t know this yet. Poor, sweet Brook has stumbled onto just the wrong patch at just the wrong time... Meanwhile, steadily losing it ex-cop, McSporran has recently taken to haunting his old routes and is currently wandering about on the currently unoccupied estate of one of his former security moonlighting clients. McSporran knows they are away for the week, so here he is, being all weird and stuff, when, as luck (for him) would have it, along strays this mega-cutie, Young Brook...
The girl is assuredly in the wrong place, as mentioned, at the wrong time, having been invited for cheese and at a house up the street., She has the wrong place.... And you can say that again. Seizing this collision of fate, the crazed, sacked cop immediately walks up on her, with his handcuffs OUT! Giving her the usual line about trespassing, and posing as a transport cop, hence the mask (some of them, um, wear them) he takes the lovely blonde into HIS custody.
Brook p[protests, especially when he starts feeling her up big time before matching her into the vacant home (he has a key still, wouldn’t you know?) and continuing with his pervy fun inside. Brooke hasn’t quite summoned the balls to challenge him too hard yet, but after he makes her remove her own shoes, still cuffed, this time with her wrists in front, and then locks her up behind again and hog-cuffs her good and secure. She knows something is very wrong - she’s a quick study, this one, then...
Before she can mouth off any more, he instantly ballgags her and continues groping her big juicy tits and caressing her vulnerable bare feet. With the stunner helpless, he moves off for a cup of tea, leaving the gorgeous prisoner rolling around on the floor, all cuffed up and shackled big time. And THAT is what we are serving up here; a seriously hot girl bound with chains, gagged with rubber, writhing totally hapless throughout and drooling all over herself. You’ve redeemed yourself, Mr MscSporran, at least in our eyes, right? Now, you, Miss Brook, continue to... struggle for us too, mmmmmmmmmm....
***All productions (video & images) & associated bondage scenarios depicted are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants aged over 18 and established safe signals (clearly defined within each fantasy scene) between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production. Thus, these are pure, tongue in cheek adventuristic fantasy scenarios, without exception fully consensual, contextual and supported by model release to this effect***