With the cheek-bulging, wide-eyed barefoot bikini BEAUTY stashed out of sight and struggling diligently, the crooks prepare for the next phase of their diabolical, talismanic paranormal scheme! This hot chick has been gagged tighter and tighter each time, no less than three times! Could it be that this freak is enjoying seeing her mouth all tied up like that. Could it? And how about us, as the sexy little snoop squirms, her sweet FEET our central focus right now as she chews on a thick wet bandana cleave. How is this impacting us, secretly soaking up the exquisite pleasure of her peril...?
(Producer’s Note:) Doesn’t this gorgeous girl look just so, so hot with a tight cleave gag tied in her mouth? Her teeth gritted around that saliva-soaked cloth, straining at just how taut it is, stopping her indignant utterances, fast? We couldn’t resist including some extra sexy cleave sequences from: 'Infiltrating The Caligula Theatre’s Retired Artist’s Bash & the ‘Stop That Little Snoop in Her Tracks’ Command!' You can now enjoy all of that stuff along with the Original Release of this title, if you so desire...
There is a full moon bathing the house with its eerie bright glow on this balmy night and all would APPEAR to be quiet at the home of eccentric shaman, Wentworth Weatherby... Mr Weatherby has been making headlines of late, and for all the wrong reasons. Sinister tales of zombie-creations and worse coming out of the former observatory who has converted, abound... Does this sound like the kind of job Bikini Investigations ltd might wish to – delve into?
Stunning brunette Chantelle, in her gorgeous pink bikini, is having a jolly nice snoop around, having successfully snuck inside the Weatherby Place. No end of things this industrious little minx can do with a trusty bobby-pin, it seems... Now, intelligence has reveals that the recently stolen from the Unnatural History Museum, ‘Swiss Elephant’, rumoured to possess great and dark powers is now being used (indeed, a shrine has been erected) for devastating purposes by the madman and his merry men!
The bronzed, immaculate girl treats us all to her perfect ass and feet as she slinks around the house, giving us all something to think about. What she fails to notice is that she is far from alone. A creep in a bizarre Weatherby mask is silently positioning himself to GRAB! By the time he pounces, clamping his hand straight over her mouth, lovely Chantelle can’t even begin to yell out. He holds the mmmmmpppphhhhhing girl tight, only to bundle her off for safekeeping until the bad guys can figure out just how to deal with her ass....
Binding and gagging the beauty, tying her mouth extremely tightly with ripped tan cloth, he admires Chantelle’s hot, gorgeous self. How could he not, he’s human isn’t he – well, barely!
Having secured and crossed her ankles, the beauty appears almost trying to turn us on by arching her creamy soles and flexing her slender toes our way. As she squirms. After a while, with her glorious feet in our collective viewing face, the indisposed P.I. manoeuvres herself around and begins rolling around on the floor, the Swiss Elephant itself nearby. Soon, we are back under those feet as the hottie is again gagged, this time with a bandana. So hot... Watch her gnash and clench around that!
Later, and absolutely no closer to anything approaching an escape – damn, he ties TIGHT – the man is back and binding Chantelle into a great hogtie, this goon means total business. He again – after unsuccessfully trying the elicit info on her mission from her – SURE you’re not Weatherby Himself, in a mask?? - this time with a dirty dust rag, gags the protesting lady over her mouth again, tight enough for her and us to see stars. Then he wrestles her legs into more bind ups and leaves her squirming on the floor. Before he leaves, he hogties the enraged cutie and gropes her amazing and now exposed boobies as she dissents repeatedly into her gag. Leaving the delicious captive well-restrained and gagged quiet in this eerie bedroom, he departs. Now it’s back to us and her again...
If you admire our Chantelle, you’ll marvel at this, her all hogtied and those TIGHT gag keeps her perfectly mumbly throughout. Straining, grunting, mumbling. She does it all in these genuinely secure ropes and ultra-tight cloth cleave gags!
***All productions (video & images) & associated bondage scenarios depicted are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants aged over 18 and established safe signals (clearly defined within each fantasy scene) between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production. Thus, these are pure, tongue in cheek adventuristic fantasy scenarios, without exception fully consensual, contextual and supported by model release to this effect***