A feisty pair of statuesque, lycra swim-suited lifeguards find themselves trussed hand and foot, and what’s THIS, hogtied, too?? Seems a certain robber wants them not to be found for a while! They try to speak but discover their mouths are bound tightly with strips of white cloth. They mumble in vain and try desperately to loosen their bonds as they hear this creep looting the supervisor’s office. Dammit! If only they could get to their whistles!
Outrageously hot Ms Campbell, appointed to a senior role on the sterling, and highly respected, Buttwatch team is doing the morning roun...
A feisty pair of statuesque, lycra swim-suited lifeguards find themselves trussed hand and foot, and what’s THIS, hogtied, too?? Seems a certain robber wants them not to be found for a while! They try to speak but discover their mouths are bound tightly with strips of white cloth. They mumble in vain and try desperately to loosen their bonds as they hear this creep looting the supervisor’s office. Dammit! If only they could get to their whistles!
Outrageously hot Ms Campbell, appointed to a senior role on the sterling, and highly respected, Buttwatch team is doing the morning rounds and ensuring the Members’ Only gym is in tip top shape when she becomes aware of a disturbance. SURELY it can’t be something bad, right? Although, she hasn’t seen Ms Lei for some time. Hmmm. The stunning, massive-racked brunette slinks off to take a look!
In her absence, a masked man enters the gym and is about to cut open the heavy bag Marlon had told him the stash was hidden inside! He’s already nabbed the nosy blonde and hopes he won’t have to deal with the other one but as bad luck would have it for them both (quite the reverse for us watching, ahem ‘cap’ in hand(s) the cutie returns and catches him!
Trying to think fast – not his strong point – he’s unable to convince the swim-suited beauty of his innocuousness and so, just as the bitch goes for her whistle, he strikes. Boom, hand straight over her fat mouth. He bearhugs the bimbo off to secure her before she can alert any other guards who may or may not be in the vicinity. Now, to stash this one along with the other and finish Up!
Mr Pepe, the secreter of the stash, will not tolerate any mistakes today, so the crook knows he needs to complete his mission!
Now, the girls are bound and gagged in an adjoining room. Who IS this man who has them all captured having gagged their mouths and used ropes to restrain their bountiful bodies!
When he is gone, the cleavage-swelling stunners try again and again to get free, rolling around trying to loosen their bonds. But now, their antics cause further problems!
Having heard the commotion, the robber soon attends to them... and the ladies are tucked away, much to their sweltering humiliation in the gym sauna! There, under the heat lamps and infrared, they twist and squirm, ballgagged and drooling. Just like they deserve, the badly behaved bimbettes!
However, HOT Babes in Red, after you’ve completed your sweat-soaked, temperature soaring time struggling hard in there, you should never fear, Girls, as your rescue at some juncture will surely come! “Mmmmmrrrrmmmppphhhh” Oh, make your gag talk sweet for us, Girlies. It’s what we ALL want, as you bend and shape your beautiful, bound bodies in this boiling hot class and wood prison? A great, super-exciting gag up morsel for you, and you are most welcome, faithful viewers... Look at them both go!
***All productions (video & images) & associated bondage scenarios depicted are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants aged over 18 and established safe signals (clearly defined within each fantasy scene) between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production. Thus, these are pure, tongue in cheek adventuristic fantasy scenarios, without exception fully consensual, contextual and supported by model release to this effect***