1. Dress For The Occasion Jasmine is going out to a function in the evening and wants to dress for the occasion. She doesn’t have anything new in her own wardrobe, so she asked to borrow something from our new (and almost new) collection. The catch is that she must try them on while bursting for a pee! Always up for a challenge, Jasmine arrived in her usual “full bladder” state, asking to get started right away instead of having a chat first; that’s a sure sign that she’s already close to bursting. She struggles to climb in and out of dresses and shoes while resisting the ever increasi...
1. Dress For The Occasion Jasmine is going out to a function in the evening and wants to dress for the occasion. She doesn’t have anything new in her own wardrobe, so she asked to borrow something from our new (and almost new) collection. The catch is that she must try them on while bursting for a pee! Always up for a challenge, Jasmine arrived in her usual “full bladder” state, asking to get started right away instead of having a chat first; that’s a sure sign that she’s already close to bursting. She struggles to climb in and out of dresses and shoes while resisting the ever increasing urge to pee, but bending down is a serious threat to her self control, given how badly she needs to piss. Several times she enlists help to buckle up the shoes, literally shaking as she struggles to wait and keep still. She manages to get through six dresses before she finally loses control and wets her panties. Pee is visible running down her legs, and even though the panties are a fairly dark blue color, the wet patch is pretty obvious. After a relaxing shower, she was able to decide on which dress she wanted.
2. I Can Only Think About Peeing An hour after Dress For The Occasion, Jasmine is struggling with a full bladder again, the result of all that liquid she has imbibed throughout the morning, and she is still drinking because she is thirsty. Parched in fact. It’s cruel how the body plays that trick. She doesn’t look like she could last for half an hour, but she is asked to do so anyway. She gives it her best, but her bladder is so distended she can barely button up the jeans she has worn a number of times before. She struggles so hard to control herself, but she loses control with more than ten minutes to go. Objective: make Jasmine hold it until she is absolutely bursting. Outcome: achieved.
3. Conversation In A Car It’s no secret that Jasmine spends a lot of time in her car and has a long commute to work. She also drinks various fluids without thinking, and has had a number of close calls while driving. After a little prompting, she also remembered the tale of driving home after a shoot (the one where she was frantically desperate in her car, appropriately enough) and got pulled over for speeding. Why was she speeding/ She was in a hurry to get home to use the bathroom. She had to set there while the cop ran her details and wrote her a ticket, almost pissing her pants. As it turned out, she wet herself as she ran into the house when she did get home. Did I mention that she also needs to pee rather badly while chatting to you in this one. At the end, she hops out and squats down to go, not a minute too soon!