1. Open House Cali is a realtor and her company's representative for an open house. It's a Sunday afternoon and things are very quiet. Cali has been standing around in the kitchen for hours and hardly seen anyone, and now she really needs to pee. She has been holding it because the moment she runs to the bathroom, someone will show up, and her company has a strict policy regarding a representative actually being there to greet the potential buyers when they walk in. Besides, she reasons, this is someone else's house and she should not be using the facilities which have been especially ...
1. Open House Cali is a realtor and her company's representative for an open house. It's a Sunday afternoon and things are very quiet. Cali has been standing around in the kitchen for hours and hardly seen anyone, and now she really needs to pee. She has been holding it because the moment she runs to the bathroom, someone will show up, and her company has a strict policy regarding a representative actually being there to greet the potential buyers when they walk in. Besides, she reasons, this is someone else's house and she should not be using the facilities which have been especially cleaned for the showing. Cali paces around, longing for her three-hour stint to come to an end because she is desperate to pee, but there is still half an hour to go! She pee dances to help her control the urge the empty her bladder but she really does need to go so badly. At last, with less than twenty minutes to go, she says, "screw it" and makes a dash for the bathroom. She is only half way there when she hears the kitchen door open. She grimaces in frustration, so on the verge of wetting herself, and hurries back to greet the visitors, do her best to look calm and professional. When the guy says they want to look around on their own, Cali is relieved, but at the same time she is now stuck back in the kitchen, frantic to pee and with nowhere to go. She does everything she can to hold on but the pressure on her bladder is enormous. She feels her muscles give way and stands there mortified as she feels pee running down her legs and soaking the back of her skirt. She dare not move or do anything to attract attention to herself. Before she can decide how to handle the situation, the guy comes back into the room, saying her has a question for her. Cali hastily grabs her phone, saying that the open house is over, just as she dashes out the door, thoroughly embarrassed and aware that the guy will now notice the puddle she left on the kitchen floor.
2. Wait Until Three Cali has been locked in a house wired with cameras and told not to try to leave. Her step-sister is being held hostage and Cali must follow instructions if she ever wants to see her again. Her tormentor wants to have some fun with Cali because she clearly needs to pee. The time is two p.m., and Cali is instructed to wait until three before using the bathroom. Cali protests that she can't possibly wait that long, but her tormentor insists. Cali moves around the house as she struggles to control the urge to pee. She even tries the leave via the front door but it is locked. She also receives a phone call telling her she is being watched and not to do that again. Later, Cali finds a bathroom and dashes in, pulling her skirt up and just starting to tug her panties down when her phone beeps again. She is ordered not to use the toilet, so reluctantly and with a pained expression, she has to pull her panties back up and let her skirt fall back into place. Cali struggles desperately to hold on, but as her wait enters the final fifteen minutes, she is frantically desperate to go and runs to use the bathroom anyway, leaving her phone on the kitchen table. She barely makes it, and her relief is clearly enormous. As she finishes, her phone beeps again. She runs to answer it and is told that, for disobeying instructions, she will now have to go through all that again.