Introduction: Remastering older videos from scratch to make them bigger and better than they were before provides the perfect opportunity to reveal more about what often happens with desperation videos. This collection is focused primarily on Amber peeing and Lily playing her foil (another volume later will focus on Lily's desperation performances), and some of them reveal how difficult Amber found it to release her pee even when she was seriously desperation to go. To quote her, "I can only do this if I get myself to the point where I'm bursting." As with all remasters these days, the 640...
Introduction: Remastering older videos from scratch to make them bigger and better than they were before provides the perfect opportunity to reveal more about what often happens with desperation videos. This collection is focused primarily on Amber peeing and Lily playing her foil (another volume later will focus on Lily's desperation performances), and some of them reveal how difficult Amber found it to release her pee even when she was seriously desperation to go. To quote her, "I can only do this if I get myself to the point where I'm bursting." As with all remasters these days, the 640x480-pixel videos are re-edited for the original tapes, sharpened, colorized and generally enhanced to make them suitable for release at the same size as 1920x1080-pixel HD movies, with black bars down the sides to preserve the picture's 4x3 aspect ratio. They can never match true HD recordings, but they are a vast improvement on the 2010 releases.
Originally 31m 41s, this was Amber's very first Bound2Burst video. The version released in 2010 was edited to maintain the flow of action; now, 10 minutes of additional video have been included to show how difficult Amber found it to pee in front of a camera, and to some extent in front of Lily (who also had trouble with this herself sometimes). Amber valiantly tried to put on a show, but she frequently had to just stop and chat to Lily, often in whispers, as she tried to unlock her muscles to pee. When this occurs, one has to make the decision to either maintain the premise of the video or to just come clean and show what really happened. In this version, you witness it all.
Original description: Amber's official audition. Instead of the usual routine, Lily was the one to put her through her paces, drinking water as she tried on one outfit after another and getting steadily more and more desperate. Lily talks about Amber being her referral, and this is actually true, so Lily was genuinely a little anxious that Amber should be able to perform. She demonstrated her abilities as a strict task mistress as Amber's squirming got worse and worse, making the poor girl hold it until the boss arrived to begin filming a scenario with her. Amber is frantically pee dancing by the time Dave arrives, but then, to her alarm, he announces that he has a few things to do before he starts filming her for a scenario. Amber is distraught, but once again Lily steps in and tells her not to be so weak, insisting that she keep holding it. While absolutely bursting at this stage, Amber actually had to stop pee dancing to trigger the release, but once she did, it was one hell of a flood.