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Vonka & Syenite Set 2 - 2 clips in one movie
My Rating:


1. Vonka and Syenite's Capacity Challenge
Vonka is an old hand at capacity challenges and we already know what she is capable of producing, but Syenite is new to this and therefore an unknown quantity. By her own admission, she has a fairly small bladder compared to Vonka, so she is clearly up against it. The truly entertaining aspect of this video is how desperately Syenite tries to hold her pee in the hope of even coming close to the quantity her friend might produce. She escalates from fidgeting to running in circles as she struggles not to lose control, putting off the release unti...

Vonka & Syenite Set 2 - 2 clips in one movie

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1080p - mp4 2408MB
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