POV: Shrunken Slave Cleans Ivorys Belly Button
My Rating:
Category: Shrinking Fetish
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 2/29/2024


Giantess Ivory discovers a tiny man in her home. He is fit, cute and kind of hot for a tiny. She looks down on him while contemplating what to do with such a sexy tiny man. She's a little disappointed at how small he is, he's basically the size of food! She starts to get hungry just staring at him. She rubs her belly as she towers over him. She picks him up and starts to kiss him, tasting him with her big tongue. She decides she can use him to clean her belly button. She shows it to him close up and tells him he will need to fit himself in there and give her belly button a deep cleaning. He...

POV: Shrunken Slave Cleans Ivorys Belly Button

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