Custom: The video will have 2 scenes: 1. You are at home with a jar/bottle and wearing something sexy like a tight dress. "You made it, you finally got the growth formula that you wanted so bad. You just had to give a blowjob to that stupid scientist in exchange for the serum, and now you will become a huge goddess." Describe how excited you are to become an all powerfull mighty goddess and enslave all the population of the planet. You are gonna make sure that everything and everybody will be yours, and how this turns you on. Just the thought of destroying entire cities for fun makes you a...
Custom: The video will have 2 scenes: 1. You are at home with a jar/bottle and wearing something sexy like a tight dress. "You made it, you finally got the growth formula that you wanted so bad. You just had to give a blowjob to that stupid scientist in exchange for the serum, and now you will become a huge goddess." Describe how excited you are to become an all powerfull mighty goddess and enslave all the population of the planet. You are gonna make sure that everything and everybody will be yours, and how this turns you on. Just the thought of destroying entire cities for fun makes you a...