Be honest with yourself, has she ever truly got you hard? Does she know what buttons to push to make you explode? of course she doesn't. That's exactly the reason you simply cannot stay away. You need that fix, it feels so damn good to cum for me leaving your balls empty for that old cow. I enjoy slowly but surely breaking down your marriage with every single orgasm to me. I don't ever want you to cum for her again, ever. You are to devote your balls to me. I make you horny, keep you hard and my hot body just keeps you at my feet.
I want to ensure your sex life dwindles to nothing. Your...
Be honest with yourself, has she ever truly got you hard? Does she know what buttons to push to make you explode? of course she doesn't. That's exactly the reason you simply cannot stay away. You need that fix, it feels so damn good to cum for me leaving your balls empty for that old cow. I enjoy slowly but surely breaking down your marriage with every single orgasm to me. I don't ever want you to cum for her again, ever. You are to devote your balls to me. I make you horny, keep you hard and my hot body just keeps you at my feet.
I want to ensure your sex life dwindles to nothing. Your...