Of course, another Financial clip to add to your collection and another opportunity for you to be drained dry. This is what you live for, to pay me each and every day. You have that ache in your wallet each time you see me and spend more and more on every single tribute. Always chasing that next thrilling Financial high. Making dents in your account has been all well and good until now.
You’ve enjoyed going without for many years, lying to your wife and family for ‘missing’ ca$h but now you want it harder, you want it faster and you want to please me like never before, don’t you. You kn...
Of course, another Financial clip to add to your collection and another opportunity for you to be drained dry. This is what you live for, to pay me each and every day. You have that ache in your wallet each time you see me and spend more and more on every single tribute. Always chasing that next thrilling Financial high. Making dents in your account has been all well and good until now.
You’ve enjoyed going without for many years, lying to your wife and family for ‘missing’ ca$h but now you want it harder, you want it faster and you want to please me like never before, don’t you. You kn...