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Humiliation For Disgusting Fat Slobs Like You - Weight Humiliation
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 12/14/17, 03:05 PM


Humiliation For Disgusting Fat Slobs Like You - Weight Humiliation - MP4

You think it's okay to walk around all fat and wobbly like that, do you? It's gross and so are you. How long did it take you to get so fat? Years of practice I bet. That's some effort you've put in. I wonder what you actually eat? You do know that five a day doesn't mean full size greasy pizzas?

You must struggle in daily life, being so lardy. I mean, how do you fit into things that normal people manage? Public transport for one. Those seats are designed for normal sized people. Not fat fuc...

Humiliation For Disgusting Fat Slobs Like You - Weight Humiliation

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