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Angel LLC Yes! I'll Do Anything for this Job! With Foot Play
My Rating:
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 10/19/16, 08:24 AM


(English) Angle has been waiting literally weeks to be called for a job interview at a competitive marketing firm. Finally the call comes, and its her dumb luck that its two weeks after she's broken her leg! As she still in a long leg cast she decides to crutch in on her best single sky high heel with gartered hose on her good leg so she doesn't make an ugly cut in her pantyhose. The garters on her bad leg are fastened to the top of her cast! She decides to go in bare-toed with a freshly minted pedicure on her five pretty toes. As she crutches into the interviewer's office she doesn't know ...

Angel LLC Yes! I'll Do Anything for this Job! With Foot Play

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1080p - mp4 572MB
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720p - mp4 468MB
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