(English) Busty Kati puts on her shades to go outside because she knows every time she goes out people check out her five long pretty perfectly pedicured toes blasting out of her cast. The glasses make her fell less self-conscious but its clear everywhere she goes people are checking out her vulnerable casted toes! Finally its too much even with the dark sunglasses and she escapes to the park where she can prop her aching casted foot up massage her toes and also call her friend on her cell to complain she can't put on pants and the issues she is having being casted with her toes sticking out. ...
(English) Busty Kati puts on her shades to go outside because she knows every time she goes out people check out her five long pretty perfectly pedicured toes blasting out of her cast. The glasses make her fell less self-conscious but its clear everywhere she goes people are checking out her vulnerable casted toes! Finally its too much even with the dark sunglasses and she escapes to the park where she can prop her aching casted foot up massage her toes and also call her friend on her cell to complain she can't put on pants and the issues she is having being casted with her toes sticking out. ...