Benetta Term SLWC Stepping Out Sexy in Black and Stiletto After Getting Her Cast Foot Creamed and Massaged
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Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 12/17/2022


(English) Benetta is driving with her one good foot and her exposed cast foot with long toes curled to the side. She is on the way to pick up her friend and take her to her apartment where they will get dressed for an evening out. After they gimp up the circular stairs to Benetta's apartment Benetta gimps into the living room. Her jeans are gone, and she is in a sexy black number with one leg in back hose, the tallest single stiletto heel. Her casted upper leg is bare, and her blue casted lower leg has her long pretty polished toes shooting out of it. Fortunately, she's used to gimping arou...

Benetta Term SLWC Stepping Out Sexy in Black and Stiletto After Getting Her Cast Foot Creamed and Massaged

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