Britney Term SLC Crutching on a Cold Day with and Without Cast Sock and Cast Sling
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Runtime: 19 minutes
Date Added: 7/5/2018


A crutcher's clip. Britney is out and about on a cold winter day with her cast foot snuggly warm in a cast sock. but as it gets grungier hitting the floor she pulls it off and calls her friend for some help. She arrives with a cast sling so Britney can keep her cast foot off the floor. Her friend holds her cold toes to warm them before they start off again with Britney's naked cast toes exposed because she doesn't want to put her dirty cast sock back on. They continue crutching until Britney's poor exposed toes are almost numb and she has to put that damn dirty cast sock on, like it or not!...

Britney Term SLC Crutching on a Cold Day with and Without Cast Sock and Cast Sling

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