Stella Term SLC Breaking in Her New Cast Half Shoe While Trying Not to Break Her Exposed Toes with Foot Play
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Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 2/10/2021


Stella was really looking forward to getting her new cats shoe so she could finally put weight on her casted foot and walk on it after weeks on crutches. The problem is when it arrived she was disappointed to find the only shoe available was a half shoe and now she has to gimp around being very careful not to get the bottom of her foot and toes dirty, not mistakenly stubbing her toes walking up stairs, struggling up steep sloping streets and in general having to look down instead of in front of her to avoid her sensitive exposed sole getting tripped up on whatever hard gravelly substances s...

Stella Term SLC Breaking in Her New Cast Half Shoe While Trying Not to Break Her Exposed Toes with Foot Play

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