Viktoria LLWC and Brandy SLWC-SAC Combo What Do We Do Today? Toe Wiggling & Cast Talk
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Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 1/11/2021


(English) Victoria and Brandy are together on vacation getting a little relaxation from stress after there auto crash. But despite the great views they find it difficult enjoying everything while having to gimp around casted with their vulnerable toes hanging out at a seaside resort full of difficult slopes to navigate and hard cobblestone walks. So this morning as they gimp around the kitchen preparing breakfast, they sit down with their casted feet up, pretty toes wiggling as they contemplate what they will do today and discuss their casted conditions.

Viktoria LLWC and Brandy SLWC-SAC Combo What Do We Do Today? Toe Wiggling & Cast Talk

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