Zuzu Term SLWC Crazy Casted Boss Flips Out
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Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 6/26/2022


(English) Casted Supervisor Zuzu calls in her assistant to and orders her to cut the stocking tip protecting her casted toes so that she can rub them for her. At first her assistant adamantly refuses because it’s not in her job description, but Zuzu persists in making her do it and massaging her naked toes. Then because she hesitated to begin with, Zuzu gets out her phone and shows her a picture of Zuzu with the assistant's boyfriend just to make her angry. The assistant becomes so annoyed she steals Zuzu’ s crutches and runs out of the office hoping she won't follow her. However, Zuzu hops...

Zuzu Term SLWC Crazy Casted Boss Flips Out

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