Kiara SLWC & SAC Injured Worker's Performance Appraisal and Foot Worshiping & Toe Suck
My Rating:
Category: Toe Sucking
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 10/29/2018


(English) When Kiara's boss spots her gimping in the hallway on her one good heel after returning from her accident she calls her in for her long delayed employee evaluation. It's tough for Kiara to get around in her arm and leg cast, and she is relieved to be invited to to put her aching cast foot up on the bosses desk while she reviews her evaluation. Unfortunately, the news isn't good for Kiara but it is for her foot fetish boss! Kiara is eager to learn if she has done alright. Her boss delivers the bad news that she hasn't while she nonchalantly moves her hand to Kiara's cast and then t...

Kiara SLWC & SAC Injured Worker's Performance Appraisal and Foot Worshiping & Toe Suck

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