In this clip: root housewife, buddah2000 series, fembot, compassionate robot, repeating loops, frozen, new build, new model robot, soft polymer skin, beautiful silicone partner, mindless stares, malfunctioning, homemaker bot, warm skin robot, meltdown, glitch, freeze, loops, sfx, neighborhood housewives are determined to prove Megan is a Robot, longhair, red hair, long legs, high top Reeboks, tennis shoe fetish, sneaker fetish, beautiful silicone robot, lifelike, real doll and more
Modern day suburbia. Housewives- stay at home wife’s- homemakers- the title that ...
In this clip: root housewife, buddah2000 series, fembot, compassionate robot, repeating loops, frozen, new build, new model robot, soft polymer skin, beautiful silicone partner, mindless stares, malfunctioning, homemaker bot, warm skin robot, meltdown, glitch, freeze, loops, sfx, neighborhood housewives are determined to prove Megan is a Robot, longhair, red hair, long legs, high top Reeboks, tennis shoe fetish, sneaker fetish, beautiful silicone robot, lifelike, real doll and more
Modern day suburbia. Housewives- stay at home wife’s- homemakers- the title that you give them is irrelevant really. We all know that “one neighbor”. The one who watches everyone else just so that they can gossip about them over dinner. Never letting anything rest and always stirring up trouble for their very own entertainment.
What could be worse than a neighbor like that?
An entire subdivision of “those” neighbors. The spoiled, snoodt housewives of Edgewood are vicious when they want to be. Not having to work they have so much time on their hands that they are always starting rumors and exchanging their opinions of one another when one is NOT in the room.
Marci and Millie are the twins of Edgewood. Gossip queens and totally spoiled bitches. Welcoming Megan into the neighborhood, taking her brownies and even throwing her a
Welcome to modern suburbia. Where the housewives stay home all day and have noting but time on their hands. Always waiting for the next big thing to gossip about.
Millie and Marcie have ran this neighborhood for years, keeping everyone informed of the latest torrid affairs and absolutely any gossip they can get their hands on. Constantly peeking out their windows and always right in the middle of anything and everything that is happening.
Millie and Marcie were suspicious of the beautiful, young woman that recently moved in from the beginning. Playing their typical game, they made nice and did all of the things that all women love to do. Shopping, lunch, spa days and everything in between. Megan was glowing with joy as she woke up to begin her normal routine. Her owner goes to work while she stays home and straightens up the house. She is extremely happy and wouldn’t want anything other than the perfect life she has.
One secret: Megan is model number 02040323 of the Buddah 2000 series. Superior quality and top-notch performance and extremely human like. Undetectable by the average human. Silicone life partners are a secret project that Marcie and Millie recently learned about and they have been on the prowl for any suspected beautiful silicone life partner since.
Megan is perfect. Always happy, always consecutive, always the sunshine in the room wherever she is. Perfect in every way.
Today Marcie and Millie are determined to prove that Megan is a fembot. Relentless and on a mission they knock and ring the doorbell to Megans home. Megan is cleaning an is taking a bag of trash outdoors when she spots them. They are coming towards her home and whispering back and forth. She already senses the trouble and immediately closes the door quietly and pulls the curtains back while dropping her bag of trash. Although she is indeed a bot she has the emotions of an average woman and begins to panic stating “Inquiry Overload Definite” as he makes some low frequency sounds.
Megan finally allows the two snoody housewives in and sits down to have a conversation . She is doing her best to remain calm and appear friendly.
She is doing fine until they begin to mock and question every single thing she has to say. This makes the beautiful step ford wife begin to give public warnings about the mistreatment of the Buddah 2000 series. You will hear Megans voice and see the twins reaction in this clip. Condescending and judgmental any lovely housewife would melt under the pressure.
Millie and Marcie don’t slow down as poor beautiful Megans eye begins to twitch and her replies go from housewife lingo to computerized pre programmed responses. Megan catches herself and sneaks a hand to the back of her neck to do a soft reboot on her systems.
This doesn’t remedy the situation at hand and she continues to give pre programmed responses and even freezes.
Millie decides she is going to capture this on her phone and blast it all over her social media and tell everyone in the neighborhood. After all- who would want a ROBOT living in their plush neighborhood, right?
Poor, defenseless Megan finally malfunctions completely and has a meltdown repeating loops and doing a system reboot right in front of the twins. She awakes refreshed and ready to proceed with her day as she resumes her conversation with the twins.
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