My master sent me a message that he wanted to take me out in the evening. So I should put on something slutty and pick out 5 heels that match. He told me that I will be sitting down a lot so I should not worry about the height.I did as ordered and got into a nice latex outfit and prepared a collection of matching heels, even with a ballet heel, but when my master arrived, he completely changed the plan. He walked through the door carrying crutches, Vetrap tape and some bondage items. He instructed me to get into my latex mask, my leather posture collar and put a bit gag into my mouth. Then he ...
My master sent me a message that he wanted to take me out in the evening. So I should put on something slutty and pick out 5 heels that match. He told me that I will be sitting down a lot so I should not worry about the height.I did as ordered and got into a nice latex outfit and prepared a collection of matching heels, even with a ballet heel, but when my master arrived, he completely changed the plan. He walked through the door carrying crutches, Vetrap tape and some bondage items. He instructed me to get into my latex mask, my leather posture collar and put a bit gag into my mouth. Then he ...