My master came up with a new device for me to keep me secure bound for submissive slut training.Its a modular metal construction kit, allowing to build up frameworks for different bondage positions. He created a frame for a doggy style bondage position, with my Magic Wand already pre installed to be perfectly placed on my clit.I wear all latex, red catsuit, black corset, gloves and mask. In addition ballet heels, secured with heel locking ankle cuffs, wrist cuffs and a posture collar.My master is fixing me into the frame with steel chains and pad locks. Totally immobilized the training begins....
My master came up with a new device for me to keep me secure bound for submissive slut training.Its a modular metal construction kit, allowing to build up frameworks for different bondage positions. He created a frame for a doggy style bondage position, with my Magic Wand already pre installed to be perfectly placed on my clit.I wear all latex, red catsuit, black corset, gloves and mask. In addition ballet heels, secured with heel locking ankle cuffs, wrist cuffs and a posture collar.My master is fixing me into the frame with steel chains and pad locks. Totally immobilized the training begins....