Keri Spectrum and Cali Logan give Lance the beating of his life, frequently utilizing their favorite tactic...Ball Busting! Though he tries to battle with the girls, he is no match for their combined beat down . Strong punches and skilled holds delivered by the girls' leave him whimpering and K0ed.
This 20 minute clip includes mixed boxing, beatdowns, femdom, ball busting. The 720HD format can be found in Cali Logan's Fight Club under the "Mixed Fighting" category.
Keri Spectrum and Cali Logan give Lance the beating of his life, frequently utilizing their favorite tactic...Ball Busting! Though he tries to battle with the girls, he is no match for their combined beat down . Strong punches and skilled holds delivered by the girls' leave him whimpering and K0ed.
This 20 minute clip includes mixed boxing, beatdowns, femdom, ball busting. The 720HD format can be found in Cali Logan's Fight Club under the "Mixed Fighting" category.